Senior Support ServicesJoin our Neighbor Network volunteer services program, where we connect volunteers to their aging neighbors. These volunteer services help our older residents stay independent and in their own homes!
Neighbor Network is a membership program, where we refer to our members "Neighbors". To receive services, please apply by clicking the Become A Neighbor button.
TransportationUsing their personal vehicles volunteer drivers take Neighbors to medical appointments, social outings, and local errands. In addition to our volunteer drivers, Aging Resources staff operates two ADA wheelchair-accessible vehicles.
Chore & HandymanVolunteers provide services that help Neighbors stay safe in their homes; installing grab bars, changing light bulbs, replacing smoke alarm batteries and other light handyman work.
Homemaker HelpFor our Neighbors who become unstable on their feet or are otherwise unable to complete housekeeping duties, a helping hand can make a big difference. Volunteers provide light housekeeping including sweeping, vacuuming, dusting, and more.
CompanionshipNeighbors are matched with volunteers based on location and common interests for one-on-one friendly visits, phone calls, and social outings. Older people at risk of isolation can gain a friend through this service.
Grocery ShoppingVolunteers assist their Neighbors in the grocery store or shop and deliver to their Neighbor's home. This service helps older people access proper nutrition on a regular basis.
Yard WorkYard work can become too strenuous as we age. Volunteers help their Neighbors with outdoor duties such as trimming bushes, weeding, and raking leaves. These services help our Neighbors maintain a sense of pride in their homes.